This is where I'm upto, a fully painted figure, moulded coin, and some ideas for the packaging. This is a variant edition blue suited JFK, normally he would be in black, with no red tie. I'm feel as if I'm still far off my vision, but I also feel I have learnt so much. I started off as just an admirer, now I know how to make my own.
This box needs rounded edges, a hole for hanging, and more detail to the layout and design, like a square portraying the name of the figure, and the title needs more energy.
To paint the figure, I primed it with Games Workshop Citadel Skull White spray, otherwise the paint doesnt stick. Then I applied Games Workshop Citadel paints. They were highly recommended to me as some of the best on the market.
I've been resorted to still using poundshop DS packaging for my display plastic as our uni has no vacuum former. But I'm still on the search. Here is the wooden base for which I will mould from
I did some moulding at Marylebone University, but they were unsuccesful.
i really love how the colour and the figure came out. nice work man.